I hit Miami early Sunday morning (around 3am), checked into the hotel and crashed til about 10. I finally made my way down to Bicentenial Park at around 1:30pm. The gates were supposed to open at 1, but they had the people waiting in the blazin’ ass sun until a little after 2pm. I kept circling the area looking for some potential talent to arrive. I took a look inside the park to see what exactly was planned and they didnt have shit but a few tents selling food, the army’s H2 hummer recruiters, some gyro ride thing, and a stage. On the radio they never said anyone ‘known’ was performing so… Around 6:30pm people started flocking in at a good rate. I saw some ass out there, but most werent useable. Some local area music acts performed and I left the park when Luke got on stage. Around 8:30 the whole area up to Bayside was filled with people just standing around. It was pretty sad. The promoters of this thing charged $10 a head to enter the park so they made out pretty good. Overall it was a waste of time. I wouldnt have known if I didnt go tho’ – So, this is part of what I do to get content for my visitors at BP. Some hit, some miss. This was a MISS!